OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies Review

Indulge in the irresistible combination of mint, chocolate, and gluten-free goodness with OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies. Enjoy the authentic taste and texture of the classic OREO cookie with the added benefit of being gluten-free. Each pack contains 12 resealable packs, ensuring freshness with every bite. Treat yourself to a guilt-free indulgence that supports sustainable cocoa sourcing.

Indulge in the deliciousness of OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies! These mouthwatering treats offer all the flavor of the classic OREO cookies you know and love, but with the added bonus of being gluten-free. With twelve packs of these delectable cookies, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to savor the smooth mint creme filling sandwiched between two chocolatey cookies. The resealable packs ensure that each cookie stays fresh, so you can enjoy a crisp and creamy bite whenever you’re in the mood for a sweet treat. Whether you enjoy them as a simple dessert, an after-lunch indulgence, or to make any moment a little sweeter, these gluten-free snacks are sure to delight your taste buds. Plus, by choosing OREO, you’re supporting sustainable cocoa sourcing through their partnership with Cocoa Life. So go ahead, treat yourself to the irresistible combination of mint, chocolate, and gluten-free goodness!

OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies 1 Count (Pack of 12), Chocolate

Check out the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies 1 Count (Pack of 12), Chocolate here.

Why Consider This Product?

When it comes to satisfying your sweet tooth while sticking to a gluten-free diet, the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are an excellent choice. Packed with all the deliciousness of the classic OREO cookie, these gluten-free treats are specially made with a blend of gluten-free flour to replicate the original taste and texture. So, why should you consider this product?

Firstly, these OREO cookies are certified gluten-free, giving you the peace of mind that they meet the strict standards required for a gluten-free diet. This certification ensures that the cookies are safe for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease to consume without experiencing any adverse effects.

Secondly, the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies offer a delectable combination of smooth mint creme and rich chocolate flavor. The refreshing mint complements the sweet chocolate perfectly, creating a satisfying taste experience that will leave you craving for more.

The endorsement of customers who have tried and loved these gluten-free cookies further enhances their credibility. Many individuals have praised these cookies for their authentic taste, comparable to the original OREO cookie. With the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, you can indulge in a guilt-free treat without compromising on taste.

Features and Benefits

Irresistible Mint Creme Filling

The standout feature of the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies is undoubtedly their smooth and creamy mint creme filling. This velvety filling adds a refreshing twist to the classic chocolate sandwich cookie, making it a delightful treat for mint lovers.

Authentic Taste and Texture

Despite being gluten-free, these OREO cookies manage to capture the essence of the original chocolate sandwich cookie that you know and adore. The special blend of gluten-free flour used in their creation ensures that you can enjoy the same familiar taste and texture without any compromise.

Resealable Packaging

The 12.47 oz packs of OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are conveniently packaged in resealable packs. This feature helps to keep the cookies fresh, ensuring that you can savor a crisp, creme-filled cookie whenever you’re ready for a sweet indulgence.

Support for Sustainable Cocoa Sourcing

The OREO brand partners with Cocoa Life, a program dedicated to sustainable cocoa sourcing. By choosing OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, you are supporting responsible and ethical practices in cocoa production. For more details on Cocoa Life, you can visit their website.

OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies 1 Count (Pack of 12), Chocolate

Check out the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies 1 Count (Pack of 12), Chocolate here.

Product Quality

When it comes to product quality, the OREO brand has a reputation that precedes it. With their Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, OREO maintains their commitment to delivering a high-quality, delicious product. Each cookie is made with care using premium ingredients, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience with every bite.

The certification for gluten-free labeling further reflects the brand’s dedication to maintaining strict quality standards. The certified gluten-free status guarantees that the cookies are produced in a facility that adheres to the necessary protocols to prevent cross-contamination of gluten.

What It’s Used For

Simple Dessert or After-Lunch Treat

The OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth as a simple dessert or an after-lunch treat. Their irresistible combination of mint creme and chocolate provides a delightful indulgence that will leave you feeling satisfied.

Sweetening Moments and Occasions

With these gluten-free cookies, you have the opportunity to make any moment or occasion a little sweeter. Whether it’s a birthday celebration, a movie night, or a simple afternoon snack, the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are a delightful addition that will be appreciated by all.

Product Specifications

Product Name OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
Quantity 1 Count (Pack of 12)
Net Weight 12.47 oz
Flavor Mint Creme
Certification Certified Gluten Free
Kosher Yes
Packaging Resealable Packs
Cocoa Sourcing 100% Sustainably Sourced Cocoa (Cocoa Life)

OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies 1 Count (Pack of 12), Chocolate

Who Needs This

Individuals who follow a gluten-free diet due to gluten sensitivities, celiac disease, or personal preference can benefit from the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies. This product allows them to enjoy a tasty and satisfying treat without compromising on their dietary restrictions or missing out on the joy of eating a classic OREO cookie.

Pros and Cons


  • Certified gluten free for safe consumption
  • Authentic taste and texture comparable to the original OREO cookie
  • Smooth and refreshing mint creme filling
  • Convenient resealable packaging for freshness
  • Supports sustainable cocoa sourcing through Cocoa Life


  • Contains sugar and may not be suitable for those with specific dietary restrictions

OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies 1 Count (Pack of 12), Chocolate


  1. Are these cookies safe for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease? Yes, the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are certified gluten-free, making them safe for consumption by individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

  2. Can I enjoy the same taste and texture as the original OREO cookie with these gluten-free ones? Absolutely! The OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are specially crafted with a blend of gluten-free flour to replicate the authentic taste and texture of the original OREO cookie.

  3. Are these cookies suitable for kosher dietary restrictions? Yes, the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are kosher. They meet the requirements to be certified kosher, ensuring that individuals adhering to kosher dietary restrictions can enjoy them.

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have tried the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are raving about their taste and authenticity. Many have expressed their delight in finding a gluten-free cookie that lives up to their expectations and satisfies their cravings for a classic OREO experience.

OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies 1 Count (Pack of 12), Chocolate

Overall Value

The OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies offer exceptional value for individuals on a gluten-free diet. With their certified gluten-free status, refreshing mint creme filling, and authentic taste and texture, these cookies are a true indulgence. The convenience of resealable packaging and support for sustainable cocoa sourcing through Cocoa Life further add to their overall value.

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

To fully enjoy the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, try pairing them with a glass of cold milk. The combination of the mint creme filling and the dunked cookie creates a heavenly taste sensation. Additionally, storing the cookies in a cool, dry place and resealing the packaging after each use will help maintain their freshness for longer.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies offer a gluten-free twist on the beloved classic OREO cookie. With their smooth mint creme filling and authentic taste, these cookies provide a satisfying indulgence for those with gluten sensitivities.

Final Recommendation

If you’re looking for a gluten-free treat that doesn’t compromise on taste, the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are definitely worth considering. With their delicious mint creme filling, authentic flavor, and certification for gluten-free labeling, these cookies deliver a delightful snack that can be enjoyed guilt-free. So go ahead, treat yourself to a pack of OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies and savor the sweet moments they bring to your life.

See the OREO Gluten Free Mint Creme Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Gluten Free Cookies 1 Count (Pack of 12), Chocolate in detail.

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Oliver Speltgone
Oliver Speltgone

Hi, I'm Oliver Speltgone, the author behind DailyGluten.com, Your Daily Gluten-Free Directory. As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of living a gluten-free lifestyle, I am passionate about providing daily information on gluten-free products, diets, and recipes. Although I'm not an expert, I believe in sharing the knowledge I've gained through my own journey. Whether you're searching for the latest gluten-free brands or seeking inspiration for delicious recipes, you can count on me to provide valuable resources to support your gluten-free lifestyle. Join me on this journey to discover a world of gluten-free possibilities!

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